Nice cycling, bad running

stats of the week: run 22 km, cycled 72 km, gym 3 h
stats of the previous week: run 7 km, cycled 260 km

"Les boucles de Verdon" was a perfectly organised cycle event in an exceptionally beautiful landscape. Participants were really high level. The world's best ever female cyclist, Jeannie Longo, now 65 years old, finished as 3rd woman along the petit parcours, 98 km with 1350 m of ascent, and she was 90 min faster than me. At least, 10% of the 300 riders were still behind me.  

The sad news is that I caught a serious meniscus problem when I started my hill running training. Escaping from a close thunderstorm I stormed down the steep hill. It was obviously too much for my old knee. Therefore I have to cancel the half marathon at the Traversée des Dentelles what is a really pity. I will try to accompany C. at the 5K but I doubt this will help me overcome the problem.