16 laps down town Dortmund

stats of the week: run 54km, cycled 96km, gym 3hrs

A proper training week ended up with an unscheduled double 10k race! Now I know I shouldn't have done it. Performance was fine, determination was too high. As planned I ran the 10k aside of B. Like always her speed was impressive and we finished after 49:30 min.

I had already carried this spleen in my mind - to run the following 10k, too, which was open to runners sub 50 min. It would have been okay if I had slowed down to around 48 min but once started my determination developed. I clocked the first kilometer in 4:26 min and now tried to keep the pace. Finish time was 45:03.

2 hours later I found myself in breathlessness, high heartrate, nausea and stomach problems. The symptoms still stay the following day what let me accept a low key week now.

Smiling only after request:

It's not as easy as it looks:

My typical finish, this time too hard:

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