Long time of silence

stats of the week: cycled 102 km, indoor cycled 22 km, walked in Paris: roughly 50 km
stats of the previous week: cycled 197 km, indoor cycled 20 km
stats of the week before: run 3 km, cycled 83 km
stats of the week before: run 13 km, cycled 42 km, gym 1.5 h

Some news after a long time of silence. The good news is that I am still able to do some cycling. Running is more or less impossibe and now is proved that the meniscus in the right knee is split and has to be repared. This will happen next Tuesday. It follows that the 4th stage of our German cycling tour is cancelled and moved to next year. 

However we had a good time in Mollans-sur-Ouvèze with good cycling including another visit to the top of Mont Ventoux. Obviously I had to cancel my participation at the Ventoux Half Marathon what was really a pity. 

Sadly we lost our holiday dog "Schnappi" as we were no longer allowed to run and hike with her. The reason is still nebulous to us. Emily told us the 9-year-old would be too old now to run too much. But Schnappi seemed to be as fit as ever. We still puzzle about having done anything wrong. We will do a last attempt at our next visit in September to get her back at least for a weekly stroll.

Instead we got "Nikita", a neighbourhood cat who visits us regularly and sometimes likes to stay overnight. Also human friends came for a visit and joint cycle tours. So 3 Provence months went by quickly and we left the village just before the festival weekend of Les Peintres dans la Rue. This was luck because we learnt that our road was closed for the fête and we had not been able to come to our house by car.  

After a week at home we left again for a holiday week with the family. This was followed by another journey. A dream came true. I always dreamed of visiting the Olympic Games. We had 4 gorgeous days in Paris what is another story.

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