Slight and slow improvement

stats of the week: cycled 109 km, walked 23 km, gym 4 h

Our final days in France saw us cycling still in the sunshine and we enjoyed the Gorge de la Nesque once again. Tourist season is over now. The local bar has closed for their yearly holidays, also our beloved Pizzeria at Vaison is closed. Nights are cold and heating the house is essential. Time to leave for Germany. 

Nearly 8 weeks since the knee operation and for the first time I tried some easy jogging. Every 400m of walking I let follow 100m of jogging for 5K. At least a start of a long way to a comeback.

Desperately waiting for improvement

stats of the week: cycled 120 km, walked 13 km, gym 1.5 h
stats of the previous week: cycled 82 km, walked 12 km, gym 3 h

Almost 7 weeks since the surgery and I am still not able to start easy jogging. Everybody tells me it is the age that let it last longer. Probably right. But it feels very long. And lets doubts come up if I will ever be back on the roads. On our 5-day-trip to Majorca I could only stand 2 easy bike tours and had to take 2 rest days.

Desperately I got back to take in diclo for 5 days. What helped to be free of pain at least and let me hope to improve the situation.

Bike path alongside Mediterranian Sea

Toulon Bay

Happily back in Mollans